Posts in Articles
Algorithmic Control in Platform Food Delivery Work by Kathleen Griesbach, Adam Reich, Luke Elliott-Negri, and Ruth Milkman

Building on an emerging literature concerning algorithmic management, this article analyzes the processes by which food delivery platforms control workers and uncovers variation in the extent to which such platforms constrain the freedoms—over schedules and activities—associated with gig work.

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SSM: Patterned Remittances Enhance Women’s Health-Related Autonomy by Sharon H Green, Charlotte Wang, Swethaa S Ballakrishnen, Hannah Brueckner, Peter Bearman

Focusing on the state of Kerala in southern India, we examine the conditions under which the remittances that migrants send home have an impact on the health of women left behind. Specifically, we assess the extent to which the timing of remittance sending can support women’s autonomy, and hence improve their autonomous healthcare decision-making and mobility to health facilities.

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AJS: How Cultural Capital Emerged in Gilded Age America: Musical Purification and Cross-Class Inclusion at the New York Philharmonic by Fabien Accominotti, Shamus Khan and Adam Storer

This article uses an INCITE-created database of subscribers to the New York Philharmonic to explore how high culture became a form of socially valuable capital in late-19th-century America. The authors find support for the classic account of high culture’s purification and exclusiveness.

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Poetics: The Semantic Structure of the Conformist and Dissenting Bible, 1660-1780 by Mark Hoffman, Jean Phillipe Cointet, Philipp Brandt, Newton Key, and Peter Bearman

We show that it is possible to induce a semantic network image of the Bible, that this structure serves as a skeletal frame for interpretation, thereby highlighting different contents as central to denominations’ religious inspirations and concerns.

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Afghanistan Analysts Network: Ideology in the Afghan Taliban by Anand Gopal and Alex Strick Van Linshoten

In this report the authors examine the changes as well as the continuity in the Taleban’s ideology from the 1980s to the present day. The report is the product of years of interviews, fieldwork in Afghanistan, as well as their time working with the Taliban Sources Project archive, a significant collection of documents relating to the Taleban movement.

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PLOS-1: Can Sibling Sex Ratios be used as a valid test of the prenatal androgen hypothesis of autism spectrum disorders? by Keely Cheslack-Postava, Ka-Yuet Liu, Alix Winter, and Peter Bearman

In a large, population-based sample we failed to find evidence suggesting an excess of brothers among children with autism while controlling for several threats to validity. This test cannot rule out a role of any given exposure, including prenatal testosterone, in either risk of autism or offspring sex ratio, but suggests against a common cause of both.

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PNAS: Lexical shifts, substantive changes, and continuity in State of the Union discourse, 1790–2014 by Alix Rule, Jean-Phillipe Cointet and Peter Barman

We develop a strategy for identifying meaningful categories in textual corpora that span long historic durées, where terms, concepts, and language use changes. Our approach is able to account for the fluidity of discursive categories over time, and to analyze their continuity by identifying the discursive stream as the object of interest.

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Sociological Science: The Population Level Impacts of Differential Fertility Behavior of Parents of Children with Autism by Kinga Makovi, Alix Winter, Kayuet Liu, and Peter Bearman

This study sheds light on when parents suspect autism. We find that parents’ fertility behavior changes relative to matched controls very early after the birth of a child who will later be diagnosed with autism.

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